Friday, October 31, 2008

Starting something new

So here goes my first try at "BLOGGING"
A bit about ~me.
I am a 31 year old mother to two wonderful children, Kayla my sweet wonderful daughter who is 11 and TJ my sweet little boy is 9.

I have a wonderful husband of 6 years who loves my children like his own. And maybe someday by Gods grace we can have a child (or maybe two?) together.
We have 3 crazy dogs Sasha, Copper, and Cali and (now) have 4 cats. We live in a very small two bedroom house. I am a sub.teachers aide with my childrens school so I can be home when they are. My life is rather boring but it is mine and I LOVE IT!

Halloween Oct 2008 (Trick or Treat was last night so no fun tonight)
Scott and Kayla are sick nothing much just a slight fever and a bit of a sore throat, TJ had the same thing Monday night/most of Tuesday. So far I have been lucky and have not caught this bug.

TJ's class went to the theater today and hear the symphony it was neat TJ's class had too many volunteers so I went with a different class and met one of the new teachers a the school. He seems nice but not really in control of his class leaving, there were so many children leaving I was a bit scared. I am sure it is completely different at school.

I also finished up with most of the funraiser orders only a few problems left. I am so glad. I didn't think being "in charge" of the funraiser for the school was going to be so hard just hope I can keep up. Now just to find the time to deliver what my children sold.
So that is all for my first post lets see how this goes!

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