Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well Alex is actually almost 3 months old but I have to back track and tell about March. It all started on Thursday Feb 25 Alex caught my cold, didn't really think much of it. He was a bit down but eating good We even went to a birthday party for Scott my dad and 2 uncles on Saturday. Then Sunday 2 months old! he seem to be worse I was a bit worried My mom came over. Monday March 1 We made it to the Dr office and Dr said he is not well at all did two breathing treatments and trid to get a pulse ox level low 80's to high 70's then and sent us to the hospital where they then did two more breathing treatments and put him on o2 My poor baby caught RSV/ pneumonia we were in the hospital for 5 days I hardly left his side did come home on Tuesday and took a shower saw the kids for a bit and went right back. Then Thursday I went for a small walk(doc's) I had a really hard time leaving just couldn't do it. RSV is nothing to kid around with I was so scared Glad to say that he is doing wonderful now
Just other things have me down just hope things turn about sometime soon.