Saturday, November 14, 2009


Well I guess you could say we are just living life. Busy as always doesn't seem to be enough time in a day.

This past week~

Monday and Tuesday helped with bookfair/fundraiser returning fixing all the mistakes.

Wednesday We had another ultrasound and it was wonderful. Alex has a head full of hair!! The lady tech said he looks good not measuring to big/or small. estimated about 4lb12oz. Right about 50%.

Thursday was a neat day I got a lot of stuff for Free!! First was a gift bag with a bunch of things bibs, baby spoon, just to name a few. Then I got a crib mattress, changing table pad with a cover! The same place also had a large bag packed full of baby clothes, blankets, sheets and a few bottles. Also had a small stuffed bird. Poor bird fast became a dog toy. Callie sure loved it!!

Friday Worked on the fundraiser at TJ's school and it is almost done IF they sold 15 items they got a t-shirt and they were passed out . Already have one that was too small just hoping there is no more. Tuesday we have a meeting for PTC and will decide what to do for spring. Heading more towards candles or coupon books.